1st Sunday of Lent Bulletin

Daily readings:

22/02 Monday: THE CHAIR OF SAINT PETER THE APOSTLE [1] 1 Peter 5.1-4 [Gospel] Matthew 16.13-19

23/02 Tuesday: [1] Isaiah 55.10-11 [Gospel] Matthew 6.7-15

24/02 Wednesday: [1] Jonah 3.1-10 [Gospel] Luke 11.29-32

25/02 Thursday: [1] Esther 14.1, 3-5, 12-14 [Gospel] Matthew 7.7-12

26/02 Friday: [1] Ezekiel 18.21-28 [Gospel] Matthew 5.20-26

27/02 Saturday: [1] Deuteronomy 26.16-19 [Gospel] Matthew 5.43-48

28/02 Sunday: SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT [1] Genesis 22.1-2, 9-13, 15-18 [2] Romans 8.31b-35, 37 [Gospel] Mark 9.2-10

Reflections on the Readings

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. First Reading Genesis 9.8-15

Why did God bring the flood upon the land? Why did he save Noah and his sons? What was the significance of his covenant at the time? What does God’s covenant with Noah mean for us, as Catholics today? Does it have special meaning as we begin the Lenten journey?

Psalm 25: “Your paths, Lord, are love and faithfulness for those who keep your covenant.”

2. Second Reading 1 Peter 3.18-22

“Christ suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, in order to bring you to God.” Why was I baptized? What does the sacrament of Baptism do? If “Christ suffered for sins once for all”, are the baptized automatically saved? How should I live now if I wish to one day live forever with God?

Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus Christ! Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus Christ!

3. Gospel Reading Mark 1.12-15

Why did Jesus have to go through this before beginning his ministry? Have I been journeying from my baptism towards proclaiming “the good news of God”? What experiences have helped prepare me? Is Jesus’ message also mine? Is the kingdom of God near? How can I help people to believe? During this Lenten season, what will I ask of the Spirit, so I may follow Christ more closely and proclaim the good news?

PRAY FOR THE SICK: May Chu, Caroline Bayle, Camilo Romero, Adela Lim, Mary Martin, Ky Truong, Gina Tabul, Olivera Lambeta, Ngan Thi Trinh, Thuong Van Tran, Francesca Cabrales, Maria Garcia, Pho Ho, Danita Chow, Hong Van Le, Tuyen Thi Nguyen, Phu Thi Truong, Bernard Boos, Hanh Huynh, Mary Magdalene H, Thanh Thi Dao, Sa Thi Dang, Phuong Van Nguyen, Hoa Xuan Thi Le, Estrella Rodriguez, Felipe Sobredo, Long Van Nguyen, Tuyen Van Nguyen, Patricia Rudolph, Shirley De La Cruz, Dinh Thi Luyen, Fr. Vincent Thao Dinh, Fr. Joseph Thuy Le.

PRAYER FOR THE MONTH(February) Violence Against Women: We pray for women who are victims of violence, that they may be protected by society and have their sufferings considered and heeded.

Sunday Mass 21/02 at 11:30 AM Intentions

- Thanksgiving Mass

- For the souls of Benjamin Francisco and Duicermina Amado


Second Collection: for St. Joseph’s Society for infirm and retired Priests.

Parish Learning Incentive Program. Our Parish is currently looking for financial donors for our elementary school. There are 8 classes in the school and each class is funded $300/year. Funds would be used for in-class awards and activities that encourage academic success. Please contact the parish office for more information.

Lenten confession times:

  • Tuesday-Thursday: 7pm to 8pm
  • Friday-Saturday: 6pm to 6:45pm.
  • For special cases, please contact the parish office to make an appointment.

Fasting during Lent: Fasting and abstinence on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday

  • Adults: from 18 to 59 years old: fasting and abstinence
  • Children from 14 to 17 years: abstain from eating meat
  • Elderly from 60 and older: abstain from eating meat
  • All Fridays during Lent: abstain from eating meat or can be replaced by acts of charity.
  • Exempt: Those who cannot keep fasting and abstinence due to health reasons, can do a self-sacrificing or some kind of sacrifice or charity.

Tax Receipts: Please pick up your tax receipts for 2020 donations to the parish, school and Project Advance at the parish office. They are in numerical order by your envelope number or alphabetical order by family name for donors who do not have envelope numbers.

Parish Pre-school Service: Our Parish is currently preparing to offer “Pre-School Services” in the old rectory beside the school. Preparations include renovations to the old rectory and consultations with Early Childhood Education Professionals. The renovation will be conducted on Saturdays and Sundays this February. If you have any experience in these areas and are able to help with this project, please contact the parish office.

All Were Filled: Do you know anyone struggling to have enough food to eat? Maybe you lost your job due to Covid-19 and are having trouble making ends meet. The All Were Filled Project offers free frozen food packets of hearty soups and/or entrées to put over rice, pasta or potatoes. There is no qualifying requirement to receive the food, and your order is confidential. Every week, you can order your box of food by Friday at 5 pm and pick it up or have it delivered on Friday afternoon the following week. Just call 604-876-7826 or email [email protected] to order a box that has 6 different dishes (7 servings each). We are in this together. Help us get the word out or call to place your order today. No one we know should go hungry!

Weekly Collection Envelopes: for 2021 can be picked up at the church entrance.

Prayers of the Faithful: Can you be an instrument of the Holy Spirit in helping to write General Intercessions for Sunday Mass, once or twice a month? Guidance and mentoring will be provided. Please let the parish office know if you can help.


Grade 8 Application now available - St. Patrick Regional Secondary Applications for the 2021-2022 school year are now available online for St. Patrick Regional. For more info, please visit our website at www.stpats.bc.ca.

Mass schedules: The suspension of Masses in person has been extended until further notice by the provincial health officer. Please check our website for further COVID updates in March.

Livestreamed Masses continue at 11:30 am Sunday in English, and Friday and Saturday evenings, and Sunday at 9:30 am in Vietnamese.

Receiving Holy Eucharist: Our priests are now distributing the Holy Eucharist every Sunday from 1:00 – 2:00 PM in front of the church. The requirements are to prepare well before receiving the Eucharist, such as being free from all sins, especially mortal sins, and to commit to attending Mass online.

The Church is open for private prayer: from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Hand sanitizer, supplies to clean the pews, and marking guides to ensure distancing are available. Please help lower the risk of spreading infection at church by trying to minimize your contacts and staying home when ill, wearing a mask in the church, hand washing/sanitizing, cleaning the pew when you leave and giving other people space to stay safe. Thank you very much!

Stay in Touch: We welcome emails or phone calls to the parish office (604-876-7826 / [email protected]) if you have suggestions or need assistance. Please keep your contact information (address, phone, email) up to date.

Donations: To donate online go to www.rcav.org/sunday-offering and select St. Joseph, Van Offering.


40 Days for Life - Daily Online Rosary during Lent: Join us for the 40 Days for Life Evening Zoom Rosary at 8:00 pm every night throughout Lent. Sign-up at https://sthelen.ca/events/40-days-for-life-lenten-campaign

Pilgrimage to Holy Rosary Cathedral: will continue to meet outside the Cathedral each Sunday to pray for the restoration of the public celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as long as restrictions on public worship persist.

FREE Estate & Memorial Planning Webinar: Join us for a free webinar to help you plan your estate, learn the beauty of the funeral rite, and start thinking about a pre-need plan on Thursday, Feb. 18 at 11:00 am. Register for free at https://beholdvancouver.org/

Into the Deep: The Laity and the Call to Conversion: Join Dr. Michael Higgins, author, scholar, and educator, as we journey through this Lenten season and open ourselves to the call of continued conversion on Friday, Feb. 26 at 7:00 pm on Zoom. Register online for free at https://beholdvancouver.org/events/the-laity-and-the-call-to-conversion-a-lenten-reflection

Virtual Worldwide Marriage Encounter: Would you like to transform your marriage or get your old relationship back? Join us on Feb. 26-28 (Registration deadline is Feb. 19). Register now at https://beholdvancouver.org/events/virtual-worldwide-marriage-encounter-5

And Jesus Looked at Him: Look of Love Lenten Retreat: Join us on Saturday, Feb. 27 at 8:45 am - 12:00 pm for a Lenten Retreat which includes short inspiring talks, guided prayer materials, quiet time for individual prayer, and small group faith-sharing in breakout rooms. Suggested donation $35-60+ (students $20) plus GST. Register online at https://beholdvancouver.org/events/and-jesus-looked-at-him-look-of-love-lenten-retreat

A Heart Open to the Whole World Retreat: Join SFU Chaplaincy retreat to discover and share the gifts of each person, and to grow in mutual respect as part of the larger human family on Saturday, Feb. 27 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. All are welcome. Please register at https://sfu.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5wqdeqhqDMjE9EAx2KtOLvnuUubvsj9Lko

Catholic Street Missionaries One-Day Training and Outreach for Young Adults: Young adults ages 19-39 are invited to join on Sunday, Feb. 28 from 10:30 am - 4:30 pm. The session will include Bible meditation, training, homeless outreach, and sharing at the end. For more info and register online at https://catholicstreetmissionaries.org/

A Lenten Retreat: Combatting the Evil One by the Power of the Lord: Come and join Fr. David Bellusci’s retreat to learn about St. Padre Pio’s teaching in the battle with evil forces with on Saturday, March 6 at 7:00 pm. Register online for free at https://beholdvancouver.org/events/a-lenten-retreat-combatting-the-evil-one-by-the-power-of-our-lord King's Gambit - Online Vocation Live-In: Join (Seminary of Christ the)

King's Gambit, the first-ever online Vocation Live-In on Saturday, March 6 on Zoom. This event is an opportunity for young men to meet other guys (age 17-35) searching for God’s will. Register online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVlN4yr4KU2UV86-DRTkuE41p3aP8qQA8kinpPcXA36VDFdw/viewform

CHABC's $500 Bursary for Graduating Students This year, the Catholic Health Association of BC (CHABC) will award a bursary valued at $500 to a graduating student who is enrolled in a Catholic secondary school, or who is a member of a BC or Yukon parish and enrolled in a public secondary school, or who is home-schooled. To apply for this bursary, students are asked to submit a 500-word essay before April 2, 2021. For essay and submission guidelines, please visit www.chabc.bc.ca/bursary

BEHOLD: Be sure to sign up and check this new archdiocesan portal for spiritual writing, workshops, events and other links! https://beholdvancouver.org

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