Daily readings:
21/03 Monday: [1] 2 Kings 5.1-15a [Gospel] Luke 4.24-30
22/03 Tuesday: [1] Daniel 3.25, 34-43 [Gospel] Matthew 18.21-35
23/03 Wednesday: ST. TURIBIUS OF MOGROVEJO [1] Deuteronomy 4.1,5-9 [Gospel] Matthew 5.17-19
24/03 Thursday: [1] Jeremiah 7.23-28 [Gospel] Luke 11.14-23
25/03 Friday: The Annunciation of The Lord [1] Isaiah 7.10-14; 8.10d [2] Hebrews 10.4-10 [Gospel] Luke 1.26-38
26/03 Saturday: [1] Hosea 5.15b - 6.6 [Gospel] Luke 18.9 - 14
27/03 4th Sunday of Lent: [1] Joshua 5.9a, 10 - 12 [2] 2 Corinthians 5.17 - 21 [Gospel] Luke 15.1 – 3, 11 - 32
1. First Reading Exodus 3.1-8a, 13-15
Moses was putting in just another workday when God appeared to him. What memorable experiences have I had when turned aside to take a closer look at something? When have I encountered God in an unexpected way? What understanding have I received, through faith or experience, of God’s “name”, i.e., who God is? What do I tell of God to my children and grandchildren?
Psalm 103: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.”
“If you think you are standing, watch out that you do not fall.” St. Paul warns the Corinthians against two stumbling blocks to salvation: desiring evil and complaining. What are my weaknesses and temptations?
2. Second Reading - 1 Corinthians 10.1-6, 10-12
Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! Repent, says the Lord, the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
3. Gospel Reading - Luke 13.1-9
What reflection have I done on my own mortality, for example, when hearing of unexpected death, or death by violence or natural disasters? What did Jesus mean by linking failure to repent and perishing in a calamity? How am I using the soil on which I am planted? What care do I need to be more fruitful in God’s garden?
PRAY FOR THE SICK: May Chu, Caroline Bayle, Camilo Romero, Adela Lim, Mary Martin, Ky Truong, Gina Tabul, Olivera Lambeta, Ngan Thi Trinh, Thuong Van Tran, Francesca Cabrales, Maria Garcia, Pho Ho, Danita Chow, Hong Van Le, Tuyen Thi Nguyen, Phu Thi Truong, Bernard Boos, Hanh Huynh, Mary Magdalene H, Thanh Thi Dao, Sa Thi Dang, Phuong Van Nguyen, Hoa Xuan Thi Le, Estrella Rodriguez, Felipe Sobredo, Tuyen Van Nguyen, Patricia Rudolph, Shirley De La Cruz,
For a Christian response to bioethical challenges: We pray for Christians facing new bioethical challenges; may they continue to defend the dignity of all human life with prayer and action.
Friday March 18 at 8AM
- Thanksgiving Mass for Christa Thomas
Saturday March 19 at 5PM
- For the soul of Alicia Bayle, Lutgarda Canitam, Maura Bayle.
Sunday March 20 at 8AM
- For the soul of Toni Cardinal
Sunday March 20 at 11:30AM
- For the soul of Edgardo Porres and Dominga Calipjo
Sunday March 20 at 6pm
- For the soul of Renato Pineda.
Please keep in your prayer the soul of our parishioners who passed away in November, December and January:
- Gyula Bozsik
- Anna Fernando
- Anita Pagtakhan
The Mass at 8am on Friday, April 1st will be moved to 9am on the same day for only that week.
For Lenten retreat in our Parish: on Wednesday, April 6th, 2022
• At 6:30pm: silent Eucharistic Adoration
• At 7pm: Lecture made by Fr.David Bellusci, OP, with the topic “ Love and Conversion”
• At 8pm: Sacrament of Reconciliation
On Sunday, April 3rd, our youth and young adults are invited to a Lenten retreat beginning at 7:30pm. The theme of the retreat is “Out of the Depths” and will consist of reflection, praise and worship, and confession. Light refreshments will be provided. All are welcome to attend' adoration.
We will not collect for Building Fund temporally until we have new notification.
Stay in Touch: We welcome emails or phone calls to the parish office (604-876-7826 / parish.[email protected]) if you have suggestions or need assistance. Please keep your contact information (address, phone, email) up to date.
Donations: To donate online go to https://support.rcav.org/parishes/parish-offertory/sunday-offering/and select St. Joseph, Van Offering.
Awake from Woke 2
Woke ideology has been very successful in coopting the unwitting support of many well-intentioned people in a project which most of us would disagree with if we were aware of it. It is very important that we understand that the Woke mantras of “Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity” as well as “Social Justice” do not mean what we think they mean. Monday, March 21 at 7:00 p.m. Learn more at beholdvancouver.org/events.
* Praying with Trustful Surrender
Very often in our lives and in our prayers, we hold hidden conditions, expectations and desires that can be obstacles to a deeper union with Christ, and in turn an obstacle to the efficacy of our prayers. In this talk we will learn how to uncover and remove some of those hidden obstacles and how to move forward in prayer with deeper trust, peace and joy. Wednesday, March 23 at 7:00 p.m. Learn more and register at beholdvancouver.org/events.
The Impact of Technology on Relationships: Should We Worry?
Our daily tech choices are resulting in disintegrating conversations, distracted brains, and reduced human empathy. How should we respond? In this dynamic presentation, Dr. Carol Bruess will address the current state of our relationship to technology and provide practical approaches to help each of us re-evaluate our relationships both to each other and to the devices we adore. Thursday, March 24 at 7:00 p.m. Learn more and register at beholdvancouver.org/events.
Into the Deep: Mary's Fiat, Our FiatFeaturing a panel discussion with Father Paul Goo (Director of Vocations and Seminarians for the Archdiocese of Vancouver), Sister Mary Sabina Demuth, OP (Archbishop's Delegate for Consecrated Life), and Richie Aldaba (Coordinator with the Ministries & Outreach Office). Friday, March 25 at 7:00 p.m. Learn more and register at beholdvancouver.org/events.