13th Sunday of Ordinary time Bulletin

Daily readings:

03/07 Monday: Saint Thomas [1] Ephesians 2.19-22 [Gospel] John 20.24-29

04/07 Tuesday: Saint Elizabeth of Portugal [1] Genesis 19.15-29 [Gospel] Matthew 8.23-27

05/07 Wednesday: St. Anthony Zaccaria [1] Genesis 21.5, 8-20 [Gospel] Matthew 8.28-34

06/07 Thursday: Saint Maria Goretti [1] Genesis 22.1-19 [Gospel] Matthew 9.1-8

07/07 Friday: [1] Genesis 23.1-4, 19; 24.1-8, 62-67 [Gospel] Matthew 9.9-13

08/07 Saturday: Our Lady’s Saturday [1] Genesis 27.1-5, 9-10, 15-29 [Gospel] Matthew 9.14-17

09/07 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time: [1] Zechariah 9.9-10 [2] Romans 8.9, 11-13 [Gospel] Matthew 11.25-30

“O God, who through the grace of adoption chose us to be children of light, grant, we pray, that we may not be wrapped in the darkness of error but always be seen to stand in the bright light of truth.”

First Reading: 2 Kings 4.8-12a, 14-16

As the woman increased her offerings for Elisha, he reciprocated with God’s blessing. How does one come to recognize a “holy man of God”? What blessings have I received through reaching out to others? What charitable activity will I continue?

Psalm 89: “Forever I sing of your steadfast love, O Lord”.

Second Reading: Romans 6.3-4, 8-11

How has being baptised affected my life? How has it affected my attitude to death? What examples can I give of being dead to sin and alive to God in Christ?

“Alleluia. You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. Praise God who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. Alleluia.”

Gospel: Matthew 10.37-42

How do I balance my love for my family with my love for God? In the past week, when was I following Christ? When was I favouring my life over him? When did I serve others in his name?

PRAY FOR THE SICK: May Chu, Camilo Romero, Adela Lim, Mary Martin, Ky Truong, Gina Tabul, Olivera Lambeta, Ngan Thi Trinh, Thuong Van Tran, Francesca Cabrales, Maria Garcia, Danita Chow, Hong Van Le, Tuyen Thi Nguyen, Phu Thi Truong, Bernard Boos, Hanh Huynh, Mary Magdalene H, Thanh Thi Dao, Sa Thi Dang, Phuong Van Nguyen, Hoa Xuan Thi Le, Estrella Rodriguez,  Felipe Sobredo, Patricia Rudolph, Shirley De La Cruz.


For the abolition of torture: We pray that the international community may commit in a concrete way to ensuring the abolition of torture and guarantee support to victims and their families.


Saturday July 01 at 9 AM 

  • Thanksgiving Mass.
  • For the soul of Ricardo Chiu.

Saturday July 1st at 5 PM

  • For the souls of Alicia Bayle, Thomas Bayle, Marlon Bayle, Elizabeth Bayle, Ester Blanco.

Sunday July 02 at 11:30 AM

  • For the soul of Amando Del Rosario.

Monday July 3 at 8 AM

  • For the souls of Julia Caspellan and Rufo Caspellan.


This Monday, July 3, the parish office will be closed in observance of the Canada Day Holiday. The 8 AM Mass is celebrated as usual.

St. Joseph's Youth & Young Adults will host a camping trip from July 6th to July 9th at Fintry Provincial Park. We invite the parish's young people to sign up using the QR code found in the posters at the back of the church. Please contact youth group leaders Thuan and Peter for further questions or details.

St. Joseph's Youth and Young Adults are hosting Summer Saturdays for young people from grades 5 to 8. The events will recur every Saturday from July 15 till August 26, starting from 2:30pm and ending after mass at 5:00pm. Activities include sports, board games, and arts & crafts. Sign-up forms are provided at the back of the church or through the parish office. Please see the posters at the back of the church for further details.

Project Advance 2023: we thank you for your generosity and ongoing financial support for our project advance campaign last year. This year, our parish Project Advance goal is $80,000. The parish rebate portion will go towards to our parish future renovation projects in the church and school.  For more information, please see the volunteers after Mass, or visit our website for online donation.

There will be a Vocation Live-In on the weekend of July 8 - 9, 2023 at the Seminary of Christ the King in Mission, BC. Anyone wishing to enter the Seminary in the next couple of years is welcome. For more information phone 604-826-8975 or email [email protected]

Our Parish is always looking for volunteers who are willing to donate their time and talents in various areas such as: sacristans, readers, altar servers, choir members, gift bearers, parking lot attendants and so much more. Please speak with the Mass coordinator if you are able to help or would like more information.


Stay in Touch: We welcome emails or phone calls to the parish office (604-876-7826 / parish.[email protected]) if you have suggestions or need assistance. Please keep your contact information (address, phone, email) up to date. 

Donations: To donate online go tohttps://support.rcav.org/parishes/parish-offertory/sunday-offering/and select St. Joseph, Van Offering. 


"St. Patrick Regional Secondary School is turning 100 and you are invited! For more information, please visit us at www.stpats.bc.ca/Celebrate100/ for all our centenary events including our mass"

Walk With God 2023: the annual fundraising walkathon of Fountain of Love and Life (FLL), until Monday, July 10. Please consider supporting the walkathon by making a donation online at: walk.FLL.cc. Each team captain will arrange the date, time and location of their respective walks. All proceeds will support the evangelization work of the FLL ministry. Donations are accepted until Monday, July 24.

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