Daily readings:
05/09 Monday: [1] 1 Corinthians 5.1-8 [Gospel] Luke 6.6-11
06/09 Tuesday: [1] 1 Corinthians 6.1-11 [Gospel] Luke 6.12-19
07/09 Wednesday: [1] 1 Corinthians 7.1, 17, 25-31 [Gospel] Luke 6.20-26
08/09 Thursday: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary [1] Romans 8.28-30 [Gospel] Matthew 1.1-16, 18-23
09/09 Friday: ST. PETER CLAVER [1] 1 Corinthians 9.16-19, 22b-27 [Gospel] Luke 6.39-42
10/09 Saturday: [1] 1 Corinthians 10.14-22a [Gospel] Luke 6.43-49
11/09 Sunday: 24th Sunday Ordinary Time [1] Exodus 32.7-11, 13-14 [2] 1 Timothy 1.12-17 [Gospel] Luke 15.1-32
1. First Reading - Wisdom 9.13-18
What anxieties do I have about my forthcoming activities? What plans are consuming my time or keeping me awake at night? What might be at the root of these preoccupations? How have I been engaging with God on my worries, and inviting his wisdom?
Psalm 90: “Let the favour of the Lord our God be upon us and prosper for us the work of our hands. Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations.”
2. Second Reading Philemon 9b-10, 12-17
Paul appeals to Philemon to consider his slave, Onesimus, differently in the light of their shared Christian faith. What relationships have been affected by my growth in faith, or deepening faith in a friend or family member? How might the idea of partnership or brother/sisterhood apply to some of the difficult relationships in my life?
“Alleluia! Make your face shine upon your servant, and teach me your statutes.”
3. Gospel Reading - Luke 14.25-33
How deeply have I embraced the Christian call to be a disciple of Christ? How have I been challenged as a disciple to loosen my attachment to possessions, relationships, comfort, security? When I reflect on the implications of what Jesus asks of his disciples, what is my response to him?
PRAY FOR THE SICK: May Chu, Camilo Romero, Adela Lim, Mary Martin, Ky Truong, Gina Tabul, Olivera Lambeta, Ngan Thi Trinh, Thuong Van Tran, Francesca Cabrales, Maria Garcia, Danita Chow, Hong Van Le, Tuyen Thi Nguyen, Phu Thi Truong, Bernard Boos, Hanh Huynh, Mary Magdalene H, Thanh Thi Dao, Sa Thi Dang, Phuong Van Nguyen, Hoa Xuan Thi Le, Estrella Rodriguez, Felipe Sobredo, Patricia Rudolph, Shirley De La Cruz,
For the abolition of the death penalty: We pray that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person, may be legally abolished in every country.
Saturday September 03 at 9AM
- For the soul of Domingo I.Bonyog and the Holy souls
Saturday September 03 at 5PM
- For the souls of Paul Pelanger
- For the souls of Alicia Bayle, Thomas Bayle and Marlon Bayle.
Sunday September 04 at 11:30 am
- For the soul of Tomasa Torres.
Sunday September 04 at 6pm
- For the souls of Paul Pelanger
Monday September 05 at 8am
- For the souls of Paul Pelanger
- For the intention of Raphe Lương Văn Phán and for the Holy souls.
Tuesday September 06 at 8am
- For the soul of Paul Pelanger,
Wednesday A September 05 at 7pm
- For the souls of Paul Pelanger
Thursday September 06 at 8 am
- For the soul of Paul Pelanger,
Friday September 07 at 8am
- For the soul of Paul Pelanger
Parish's office will close on the Labor day, Monday Sep 05.
Registration for English PREP courses is still ongoing. Classes will begin on Sunday,
September 11 at 9am. Registration forms can be found in the front entrance of the Church. Volunteer teachers are also needed for these PREP courses. Please contact Luz Bucad for more information.
St Joseph’s Parish RCIA program is offering evening classes every Tuesday from 7pm to 9pm. Classes will begin of Tuesday, September 20th – refreshments will be served. Please contact Luz Bucad for more information.
By signing up the website: formed.org, you can access the very best Catholic content from more than 60 organizations to help parishes, families and individuals explore their faith anywhere. Supporting thousands of movies, children’s programs, e-books, audio, parish programs and studies direct to your browser, mobile or connected device. You can find an instruction for signing up this website in our parish’s website.
Donations: To donate online go to https://support.rcav.org/parishes/parish-offertory/sunday-offering/and select St. Joseph, Van Offering.
Stay in Touch: We welcome emails or phone calls to the parish office (604-876-7826 / parish.[email protected]) if you have suggestions or need assistance. Please keep your contact information (address, phone, email) up to date.
* Catholic Faith in Plain English
This free, 36 week-long course will be offered both in person and online this year starting on Sept. 11, 2022. This course is suitable for all adult learners including Catholics and non-Catholics. The Sunday class will be at the St. John Paul II Pastoral Centre in Vancouver at 2 p.m. The Monday class will be at St. Anthony’s Parish in West Vancouver at 10 a.m. Learn more at beholdvancouver.org/events.
Making Sense of Anxiety in Children and Youth
The escalating level of anxiety in our children begs for an explanation as well as a solution. Although the focus is on children, this enlightening material will benefit anyone suffering from anxiety. Online on Thursdays from Sept. 15 to Oct. 13 at 7:30 - 9 p.m. Learn more and register at beholdvancouver.org/events.
Upper Room Conference 2022
A conference that inspires Catholics to live joyfully on mission and equips them to share their faith in their homes and communities. This year’s Upper Room will help us to grow in confidence in God our loving Father and to reflect on the amazing gifts He has given to us through Jesus. Oct. 21 - 22 at Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre. More information and registration coming soon