Daily readings:

15/04 Monday: [1] Acts 6.8-15 [Gospel] John 6.22-29

16/04 Tuesday: [1] Acts 7.51-8.1a [Gospel] John 6.30-35

17/04 Wednesday: ST. KATERI TEKAKWITHA [1] Acts 8.1b-8 [Gospel] John 6.35-40

18/04 Thursday: [1] Acts 8.26-40 [Gospel] John 6.44-51

19/04 Friday: [1] Acts 9.1-20 [Gospel] John 6.52-59

20/04 Saturday: [1] Acts 9.31-42 [Gospel] John 6.53, 60-69

21/04 Sunday: 4TH SUNDAY OF EASTER, World Day of Prayer for Vocations [1] Acts 4.7-12 [2] 1 John 3.1-2 [Gospel] John 10.11-18


“May your people exult for ever, O God, in renewed youthfulness of spirit, so that, rejoicing now in the restored glory of our adoption, we may look forward in confident hope to the rejoicing of the day of resurrection.”

First Reading: Acts 3.13-15, 17-19

How did Peter, a poor and illiterate fisherman, find the courage and words to speak to the crowd? What attitudes underlie the rejection of God in our time? What is the Holy Spirit asking of me?

Psalm 4: “Let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord.”

Second Reading: 1 John 2.1-5

The sins of the whole world: what an unimaginable burden of sin for Jesus! In the face of my sins, and sin in the world, what is my responsibility as Jesus’ disciple?    

“Alleluia! Lord Jesus, open the scriptures to us: make our hearts burn with love when you speak.” “Alleluia.

Gospel: Luke 24.35-48Even after recognizing Jesus on the road to Emmaus, the disciples were “startled and terrified” at his reappearance. What doubts would I have had, and what proof would have helped me believe in his resurrection? What questions or doubts do I have now? How do I explain Jesus’ death and resurrection to others?

PRAY FOR THE SICK: May Chu, Camilo Romero, Adela Lim, Mary Martin, Ky Truong, Gina Tabul, Olivera Lambeta, Ngan Thi Trinh, Thuong Van Tran, Francesca Cabrales, Maria Garcia, Danita Chow, Hong Van Le, Tuyen Thi Nguyen, Phu Thi Truong, Bernard Boos, Hanh Huynh, Mary Magdalene H, Thanh Thi Dao, Sa Thi Dang, Phuong Van Nguyen, Hoa Xuan Thi Le, Estrella Rodriguez,  Felipe Sobredo, Shirley De La Cruz, Nicole Van Humbeck, Caroline Bayle, Thái Thị Mỹ.


For the role of women: We pray that the dignity and immense value of women be recognized in every culture, and for the end of discrimination that they experience in different parts of the world.


Saturday April 13 at 9AM

  • Thanksgiving Mass for Latie on her birthday.

Saturday April 13 at 5PM

  • Thanksgiving Mass for Laticia Recuenco on her birthday.

Sunday April 14 at 8AM

  • For the soul of Purificacion Pecaoco, Rosario Sorongon and Lolita Barinas

Sunday April 14 at 11:30AM

  • Thanksgiving Mass for Arlene Asuncion and Edilberto Abenonar
  • For the soul of Nelson Asuncion


*Second collection: for the parish building fund.

*Our NEW Parish Pastoral Council members:

  • Chairperson:  Noel Bucad
  • Vice-chairpersons: Romeo Manlangit and Jaimz Manlangit
  • Secretary: Anthonette J. Imperial.

*2024 Donation envelope: is ready for pick-up at the church entrance. Please contact the parish office if you have any question.


Donations: To donate online go to https://support.rcav.org/parishes/parish-offertory/sunday-offering/and select St. Joseph, Van Offering.


Applications Open: Youth Ministry Leadership Bursary: The Youth Ministry Leadership Bursary recognizes high school students making a difference in their parishes, schools, communities and homes. Two Grade 12 students will be selected to receive an award of $500 each for their post-secondary schooling. Learn more and apply at  rcav.org/youth-ministry.

Momentum Single Mothers' Retreat: All Catholic single mothers are invited to attend a two-night retreat, with or without their children. Hosted by the Archdiocese of Vancouver in collaboration with Momentum, the retreat will be held from May 24-26 at Charis Camp in Chilliwack. Cost is $150/family (with or without chilldren). Registration deadline: Monday, May 6. Learn more and register at beholdvancouver.org/events.

Free Film Screening Online: "The Story of Euthanasia"Euthanasia law is complex and controversial. The film The Story of Euthanasia combines Western and Eastern points of view, gathering medical professionals and religious leaders to explain philosophical belief, moral conflict and social impact concerning legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide. You can watch the documentary for free on the following platforms: Bitchute and Rumble in April.

Faith Series Lecture & Discussion: STMC is sponsoring a free faith-based series of lectures and discussions at STMC this spring that includes three speakers, Fr. Nick Meisl, Dr. Nick Olkovich, and STMC’s own Mr. Darrell Hall. Events will take place at STMC on Wednesdays at 6:30pm.

Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith “Dignitas Infinita” on human dignity: for full document, visit: https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2024/04/08/240408c.html

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