Daily readings:
28/02 Monday: [1] Peter 1.3-9 [Gospel] Mark 10.17-27
01/03 Tuesday: [1] 1 Peter 1.10-16 [Gospel] Mark 10.28-31
02/03 Wednesday: ASH WEDNESDAY [1] Joel 2.12-18 [2] 2 Corinthians 5.20 – 6.2 [Gospel] Matthew 6.1-6, 16 - 18
03/03 Thursday: [1] Deuteronomy 30.15-20 [Gospel] Luke 9.22-25
04/03 Friday: ST., CASIMIR [1] Isaiah 58.1-9a [Gospel] Matthew 9.14-15
05/03 Saturday: [1] Isaiah 58.9b-14 [Gospel] Luke 5.27-32
06/03 1st Sunday of Lent: [1] Deuteronomy 26.4-10 [2] 1 Romans 10.8-13 [Gospel] Luke 4.1-13
“Grant us, O Lord, we pray, that the course of our world may be directed by your peaceful rule…”
1. First Reading Sirach 27.4-7
What does my speech reveal about me on my good days? What comes out when I am under pressure? Who have I judged by their way of speaking? When has that given me an incorrect impression?
Psalm 103: “Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.”
2. Second Reading - 1 Corinthians 15.54-58
How do I understand the power of sin and the law, and the victory of Christ over death? What encourages me to be “steadfast, immovable and always excelling in the work of the Lord”? How is that effort going?
“Alleluia! Shine like stars in the world, holding fast to the word of life.”
3. Gospel Reading - Luke 6.39-45
What challenges have I had when my sight was impaired? How can I draw on that experience when I am tempted to judge someone else? What judgements have I made recently that I should reconsider? What were some of the good and not good fruits of my past week? From what “treasures” of my heart did they arise? How can I work with those treasures for more good fruits?
PRAY FOR THE SICK: May Chu, Caroline Bayle, Camilo Romero, Adela Lim, Mary Martin, Ky Truong, Gina Tabul, Olivera Lambeta, Ngan Thi Trinh, Thuong Van Tran, Francesca Cabrales, Maria Garcia, Pho Ho, Danita Chow, Hong Van Le, Tuyen Thi Nguyen, Phu Thi Truong, Bernard Boos, Hanh Huynh, Mary Magdalene H, Thanh Thi Dao, Sa Thi Dang, Phuong Van Nguyen, Hoa Xuan Thi Le, Estrella Rodriguez, Felipe Sobredo, Tuyen Van Nguyen, Patricia Rudolph, Shirley De La Cruz,
For religious sisters and consecrated women: We pray for religious sisters and consecrated women; thanking them for their mission and their courage; may they continue to find new responses to the challenges of our times.
Friday Feb 25 at 8AM
- For the soul of Minerva Gordon – Death Anniversary
Saturday Feb 26 at 5PM
- For the souls of Juliana Neyra, Juanito Arnesto Sr., Amparo Deleon, Elizabeth Bayle, Alicia Bayle, Perla Camintan and LH cha Giuse Trần Ngọc Thanh.
Sunday Feb 27 at 8AM
- For the souls of Marissa Flores, Alejandra Lastico and 1st death anniversary, for the souls of Maricris A. Sison, Danilo Andrada.
Sunday Feb 27 at 11:30AM
- For the souls of Amparo Deleon, pastor Amoranto Santos, Felicisima Villanucva Galano, Virgilio Galano Santos, Ofelia Galano Santos, Teodoro and Teodora Galano.
Monday Feb 28 at 8AM
- Thanksgiving Mass for Abertana Velonza on 96th birthday.
Tueday March 1 at 8AM
- Thanksgiving Mass
Wednesday March 02 at 8AM
- For the souls of Januaria Paraiso and Faustino Paraiso
Please keep in your prayer the soul of our parishioners who passed away in November, December and January:
- Gyula Bozsik
- Anna Fernando
- Anita Pagtakhan
On Ash Wednesday March 02 there will be 4 Holly Masses: 2 English Masses at 8AM and 9AM (for school), 2 Vietnamese Masses at 10:30AM, and bilingual Mass at 7PM.
Attention all Altar Servers for both Vietnamese and English Masses: on Saturday, March 5, there will be a training workshop from 12pm to 2pm.
The 2021 Tax receipts are now available to be picked up in the front entrance of the Church.
The March 2022 “Living with Christ” booklets are now available for purchase. Please contact the parish office if you would like a copy.
St. Patrick Regional Secondary School has an annual ALL CASH-PRIZE RAFFLE fundraising event. Tickets are only $5 each. Purchases can be done online. For more information about this fundraiser, please view the school website: https://stpats.bc.ca/.
Stay in Touch: We welcome emails or phone calls to the parish office (604-876-7826 / parish.[email protected]) if you have suggestions or need assistance. Please keep your contact information (address, phone, email) up to date.
Donations: To donate online go to https://support.rcav.org/parishes/parish-offertory/sunday-offering/and select St. Joseph, Van Offering.
* Prepare Your Heart for Lent
This special one-hour episode of The Augustine Institute Show with Dr. Tim Gray will feature guest Sister Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, who will receive the annual alumni award from the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology. Sister Miriam graduated in 2015 and is a sought-after Catholic speaker and evangelist. The show will also include a lively discussion on preparing for Lent from esteemed Augustine Institute professors. Tuesday, March 1 at 4:00 p.m. Learn more at beholdvancouver.org/events.
Moral Distress, Burnout, Compassion & Resilience
Front-line workers are feeling the brunt of concurrent crises at local and global scales with an intensity higher than any in recent history and within system pressures and resource limits. Our presenters are uniquely positioned to discuss this complex situation, and its impact on current and future care-providers, patients and families, from a clinical and ethical perspective and an academic and non-secular lens. Friday, March 4 at 12:00 p.m. Learn more and register at beholdvancouver.org/events.
Pro-Life Mass and Prayer Vigil
Monthly Mass and vigil to pray for respect for all human life from its beginning to its natural end. This month, join us in praying for the victims of abortion. Saturday, March 5 at 9:00 a.m. Learn more at beholdvancouver.org/events.
* Novena to St. JosephDuring the Lenten season, we celebrate the great Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our novena will focus on the titles of St. Joseph as indicated in the Litany of St. Joseph and will conclude with the prayer of the Litany on March 19. Every day of the novena, you will receive an email with a daily challenge, as well as a short video reflection from a man who faithfully strives to imitate St. Joseph in his own life journey. Begins Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00 p.m. Learn more at beholdvancouver.org/events.