28/08 Monday: Saint Augustine [1] First Thessalonians 1:1-5, 8b-10 [Gospel] Matthew 23:13-22
29/08 Tuesday: The Passion of Saint John the Baptist [1] Jeremiah 1:17-19 [Gospel] Mark 6:17-29
30/08 Wednesday [1] First Thessalonians 2:9-13 [Gospel] Matthew 23:27-32
31/08 Thursday: [1] First Thessalonians 3:7-13 [Gospel] Matthew 24:42-51
01/09 Friday: [1] First Thessalonians 4.1-8 [Gospel] Matthew 25.1-13
02/09 Saturday: Blessed André Grasset [1] First Thessalonians 4.9-11 [Gospel] Matthew 25.14-30
03/09 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time [1] Jeremiah 20.7-9 [2] Romans 12.1-2 [Gospel] Matthew 16.21-27
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Isaiah 22:15, 19-23
In his position, Shebna built up his own welfare and prestige. What do we learn from the Bible about the characteristics and expectations of God’s chosen authority figures? What leadership and stewardship responsibilities do I have, and how can I fulfill them as God desires?
Psalm 138 “Your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.”
Second Reading: Romans 11:33-36
When have I fallen into the trap of prejudging the mind of the Lord? When have I expected a particular response from God in return for my efforts? How did I come to realize that God’s ways are inscrutable? What is a healthy relationship with God?
“Alleluia. You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church; the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. Alleluia.”
Gospel: Matthew 16:13-20
In our time, who do people say that the Son of Man is? What do I believe about who He is, about the Church and her teachings, and about the Pope, the successor of Peter? Why did Jesus order the disciples not to tell anyone who he was at that time? What should we tell people now?
PRAY FOR THE SICK: May Chu, Camilo Romero, Adela Lim, Mary Martin, Ky Truong, Gina Tabul, Olivera Lambeta, Ngan Thi Trinh, Thuong Van Tran, Francesca Cabrales, Maria Garcia, Danita Chow, Hong Van Le, Tuyen Thi Nguyen, Phu Thi Truong, Bernard Boos, Hanh Huynh, Mary Magdalene H, Thanh Thi Dao, Sa Thi Dang, Phuong Van Nguyen, Hoa Xuan Thi Le, Estrella Rodriguez, Felipe Sobredo, Shirley De La Cruz.
For World Youth Day: We pray the World Youth Day in Lisbon will help young people to live and witness the Gospel in their own lives.
Project Advance Campaign 2023: As of August 20, 2023, the parish has raised $35,195.00. Thank you for your generosity and ongoing financial support to the parish set goal of $80,000.
This coming Friday, September 1st, will be the first Friday in September. Mass will be at 9 am, followed by Eucharistic adoration. There is no 8 am Mass on first Fridays.
St Joseph’s Parish offers Religious Education Program from Grade 1 to Grade 7 for children to receive First Communion & Reconciliation and Confirmation sacraments. Classes will start on Sunday, September 10, 2023, at 9:30 am. Registration will be on the same date at 9:00 am. Please bring a copy of your children’s baptismal certificate.
St. Joseph’s Parish Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program for Catholic and non-Catholic: Do you want to learn more and increase your knowledge about your Catholic faith? Do you know anybody who are interested to become Catholic? Be a Disciple, Be an Evangelizer! St Joseph’s Parish RCIA program offers Evening classes from 7pm to 9pm. Classes will start on Tuesday, September 19, 2023. Refreshments will be served.
Registration: Please get your registration form for both programs at the parish office or call Mrs. Bucad at 604-874-4599 for more info
Our Parish is always looking for volunteers who are willing to donate their time and talents in various areas such as: sacristans, readers, altar servers, choir members, gift bearers, parking lot attendants and so much more. Please speak with the Mass coordinator if you are able to help or would like more information.
Stay in Touch: We welcome emails or phone calls to the parish office (604-876-7826 / parish.[email protected]) if you have suggestions or need assistance. Please keep your contact information (address, phone, email) up to date.
Donations: To donate online go to https://support.rcav.org/parishes/parish-offertory/sunday-offering/and select St. Joseph, Van Offering.
*Red Mass and Dinner 2023: The Red Mass is celebrated in honour of the legal profession as a vocation in the service of justice and the common good. It is one of the traditions through which the Church has blessed and strengthened the legal profession. The grace given to the members of the legal profession by God and the teachings of the Catholic Church help guide us towards the goals of fairness and justice.
The Red Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, at Holy Rosary Cathedral on Thursday, September 14, at 5:00 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. at Terminal City Club in Vancouver. Learn more and register at beholdvancouver.org/events.
*To Live of Love: Silent Retreat with St. Thérèse: You are invited to this special silent retreat with St. Thérèse of Lisieux in celebration of her 150th birthday, 100 years of her beatification, and 25 years of her nomination as Doctor of the Church. From Friday, September 8, to Sunday, September 10, at Westminster Abbey in Mission. Your donation of $215 includes the retreat experience, accommodation, meals, and the book To Live of Love which will be used at the retreat. To learn more and register, please email Angelina at [email protected].
Registration deadline: Tuesday, September 5
Mass intentions
Saturday August 26 at 5 PM
- Thanksgiving Mass for Marco Antonio. For the souls of Alicia Rabino, Jose Rabino, Manuela Bejar, Felix Bejar, Lorna Rabino, Elisabeth Bayle, Alicia Bayle, Thomas Bayle, Marlon Edna Montejo and Giusepina Fontana.
Sunday August 27, 2023 at 8 AM
- For the soul of Gerencio Quizon
Sunday August 27 at 11:30 AM
- For the soul of Evelyn Mojica.
- For the intention of Matta.